Virtual Voices 117th Edition
Virtual Voices
The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church for Friday November 11th 2022
Welcome to our one-hundredth and seventeenth edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.
If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to
we will do our very best to put it on for you.
A quick reminder that our Sunday Service is live streamed from the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 AM and can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 AM with music and the announcement slides before the service begins
with Rev. Stuart.
The weekly bulletin will be available here.
This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.
We hope you have a very good day today. Best Regards, Newsletter Committee
Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler
Hi. Hope you are well.
First, I hope you are finding a way to acknowledge Remembrance Day in some fashion. Some people have been more impacted by war than others but all of us are no doubt thankful that Canada is still a very free country compared to many in the world. That thanks is in part due to those Armed Forces personnel who fought for freedom in World Wars I and II and in Korea, the Gulf and Afghanistan and also due to those in the service currently. Our peacekeeping efforts have been and continue to be appreciated in many parts of the world. And our Canadian Forces are deployed throughout Canada as well when required, most recently in Atlantic Canada following Fiona.
Did you ever think of why we use the term “service” or speak of someone’s calling to join the military? I remember the Canadian Armed Forces recruitment slogan at one time several years ago “There’s no life like it.” It was catchy and I was always singing it with no idea what it meant to “serve” in the Forces. Perhaps you can reflect on that this Remembrance Day.
If you don’t or didn’t attend a service live or watch one on TV at 11 AM or the one from Ottawa at 12 PM our time, there will be features and news pieces on the television throughout the day. Please pause for a moment and consider what acknowledging the date means rather than simply a holiday from work for some people. Here is a website you can open with thought provoking information.
There were a lot of very positive comments about last week’s service at Mt Royal as in person worshippers were exiting the sanctuary. If you missed it, you can watch it in the Video Archives in the menu on the left hand side of the home page of the church website.
Here are this week's announcements for Mount Royal United Church, Moncton.
Can you believe it is almost Advent? Service and worship details will go out soon with your Christmas letter and through weekly announcements. I encourage you to look at the information about collections for White Gift Sunday that will be available soon. We have an immediate need in our community for warm hats and tuques and you can bring those in as early as this Sunday please. We will be donating them a s soon as they are received as the cold weather is upon us.
This week at worship Caroline Gingles will be reading the scripture from Acts 2 verses 1 to 8 and John 1 verses 35 to 42. The anthem is called “Speak Loud” and Rev. Stuart's sermon title is “Faithful Stewardship”.
That's a timely message as we have a need for volunteers in many areas of our church at this point. Where do your interests lie? Everyone has something to contribute and, we are hopeful, a burning desire to help. Some suggestions of things you might be interested in helping with include: counting collection as a teller, welcoming as an usher at the door, assisting with our young people's Sunday morning program, contributing food or helping to set up or clean up for coffee and conversation, or offering a couple of hours once a month for Lunch with Friends.
We have a very dire need at this point for volunteers for the tech box. We are down two volunteers in what was a very small rotation of folks. Those positions do require attention to detail, the ability to listen and focus to follow the service closely and for the sound person to hear from the back of the sanctuary and read the screen text in order to scroll the teleprompter equipment. Want details? Ask Bill or anyone in the Tech Box.
If any of these sound like something you would enjoy helping with, please contact Emily in the office.
We had a great pancake breakfast on November 5th following a successful rummage sale. The final tally of how much money was raised at the breakfast and sale of maple products isn’t in but Erik Gingles, the organizer, says it was well attended. We were very fortunate to have lots of volunteers which was much appreciated. Extra bread and juice was donated to Bessborough School for their breakfast program. Thank you so much for supporting this great event.
The grocery gift cards are in and will be for sale very soon. Call Emily in the office to place your order 506-855-5771. They are available in $50 and $100 denominations. Remember buying these and donating them back to the church for White Gifts is a great way to support those helping the less fortunate as well as Mt Royal United Church. We anticipate helping community schools fill food hampers again this Christmas season.
The next movie night is coming up on November the 19th at 6:00 PM. That's a correction from what may have been advertised previously as 7:00 PM. “Remember the Titans” is the movie. I expect there will be popcorn. There is no charge to attend. Please feel free to invite your family and friends.
First Jones lake Scouting is selling apple pies that will be made right at the church and be available for pre-order at $10 a pie. Orders are required by November 18th. There will be an option for deciding sugar or artificial sweetener and the spices. Please contact Mary Stephenson at or by calling or texting (506) 871- 7807.
The Gifts with Vision catalogue is at the back of the church if you are interested in giving a very unique gift. Have a peek.
For celebrations, first I'd like to say apologies to Sarah Gingles and Ina Freeman last week. We hope they enjoyed very happy birthdays along with Susan Gallant. For this upcoming week, best wishes to Jill McArthur Guy. And as mentioned last week, congratulations to Courtney Donovan and Nick Smith, two members of the Mount Royal family who received the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee medals last Sunday evening. You can see a photo of them with their medals in this week’s slide announcements for worship.
Weekly activities coming up include Tai Chi Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 AM, Pastoral Care at 11:30 AM Monday and Sparks at 2:00 PM. Tuesday Craft Group meets at 10 AM and Art Club at 1PM and Council meets at 7:00 PM in the boardroom. Wednesday evening Choir meets at 7PM and Thursday Brownies gather at 6:15.
Those are the key activities for this week. Do you have something special you would like announced. Send your details along for inclusion in Virtual Voices.
As always be sure to check the United Church of Canada and Fundy St Lawrence Dawning Waters websites for programs and courses and to keep abreast of what the United Church is all about.
Please send me an email if you have comments or questions.
Have a great week!
Susan Fowler