Virtual Voices - 19th Edition And Weekly Meditation

Virtual Voices

The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church
for Friday Oct 16th 2020

Welcome to our nineteenth edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video further down in this message.

If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to we will do our very best to put it on for you.

A quick reminder that Starting Sunday September 27th, our Sunday services our live streamed from the sanctuary will begin at 10:30am and these can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 with music and the announcement slides before the service begins with Rev. Stuart.

The weekly bulletin will be available here.

This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.

We hope you have a very good day today.
Best Regards,
Newsletter Committee

Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler

Hi Everyone.

I hope you enjoy the October 16th edition of Virtual Voices.

Thanks to Cathy Elderkin for joining me at the table and to Bill Millett in the sound booth. Bill had Cathy and I try out the teleprompter equipment that was recently installed in the sanctuary. Let's just say we could use a bit more practice... Cathy and I lost our places and giggled a lot and poor Bill was likely tearing his hair out during the recording. Everyone please be patient with us for a couple of weeks till we get comfortable with the equipment.

I want to highlight that we still have lots of grocery store gift cards for sale. I acknowledge that people's Thanksgiving plans changed as a result of Moncton Region moving back from yellow to orange but we all still need to eat.  Those Sobeys gift cards can be traded for other gift cards available in the store so everyone could use some. All the details for contacting Terry Foreman can be found in Virtual Voices or you can email him at or by phone at 388-4887. And a huge thank you to Terry for taking this on as one fundraiser we are able to do during a pandemic.

All of the small groups that had just started to meet at the church; Tai Chi, Craft Group and Bible Study were again asked to suspend meeting inside until we return to yellow and NB's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jennifer Russell is satisfied we do not have community spread of Covid-19 in this Region. This was very disappointing for everyone involved. We hope to return to the yellow recovery stage very soon.

With discouraging Covid news, Rev. Stuart decided to restart his weekly meditations. The first one of this series goes out today but watch for emails in future weeks announcing when and where you can find it online.

Thank you, Rev. Scott for restarting that initiative and to Bill Millett for editing and production.

Be well everyone and be sure to reach out if you have comments or questions.

Susan Fowler
Council Chair
Mount Royal United Church

All proper hand and surface sanitation protocols were observed prior to and after the making of this video.  :-)

Message from our Minister

Welcome to this week's mid-week meditation,

My faith family, within our own community; our schools, places of work and recreation there is an increased anxiety in almost every aspect of our lives as we transition back to the orange level of recovery here in Moncton. Hearing that anxiety present within our own faith community we will once again be offering a relaxation meditation until we once again move back into the yellow phase. As you engage this week’s meditation allow yourself the space and time to connect with your breath, your body and God’s Word. Allow this to be a shared time with God bringing you an ever-deepening relationship and a sense of peace. Know that if you are struggling at this time and would like someone to talk with please feel free to call me, e-mail or contact the office. You are not alone as we walk together as the Mount Royal Community of Faith.

May God’s peace be with you this day.

This week as we see the change around us and the hardship that many of us are going through let’s focus on words of encouragement and strength from God’s Word.

We begin as we normally do.....

In Peace - Rev. Scott

If you have scrolled all the way down here to the bottom, we thought you would enjoy something uplifting.

© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771 | All Rights Reserved