Message from Chair of Council May 3, 2020

Happy Anniversary

Can you believe that Mount Royal is 61 years old? It’s that time of year when we are thankful for the foresight of those who worked so hard to establish a United Church in the "New" West End of Moncton all those years ago. The fact that it is still vibrant and serving a need in the neighbourhood and beyond reflects all those who ministered to the community, the dedication of staff and volunteers and of the congregants who call it their church home. Thank you one and all!

What better time to think of how different things are now than in 1959! We find ourselves isolating at home yet staying connected in ways we hadn't imagined at Mount Royal even 6 months ago. Services are available online and this week (Sunday morning at 11) we will try our first post service coffee chat for the folks who preregistered. If you didn't get registered for this week, be sure to email to say you would like to join in the next time one is planned. Our use of technology may forever change how we reach people. Thanks to Rev. Stuart and Bill Millett and everyone who plays a hand in bringing you a Sunday service.

To mark our birthday, you are invited to light a candle or lamp as you watch the service. If we were together in the building we no doubt would be celebrating with a delicious cake. If you want to find a light and a treat to enjoy while watching, go and find those now.

This week a very special thing happened. Debbie Maund and I met at the church and she presented me with a very beautiful gift for the church to commemorate our 61st Anniversary. She quilted an extraordinary hanging which you will want to see close up to appreciate all the love and work she put into it. Until we reopen, you can view it online on the website. Thank you, Debbie for marking our anniversary in this way.

Thank you everyone who continues to make financial contributions to the church while the building remains closed. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.

We continue to make small changes to the service based on your suggestions. If you have anything to share, please email me at

Thanks to everyone for the comments and suggestions.

Till we meet again - stay safe and Happy Anniversary!


© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771 | All Rights Reserved