Mid-Week Meditation

Hello everyone and welcome to our mid-week meditation.

Friends, today we are going to do something a little different and focus on a meditation based around the Taize style of worship. If you’re unfamiliar with Taize it’s a form of worship that revolves itself around prayer, song, and silence.

As always we will begin by finding a comfortable space connecting with our bodies and our breathing. I hope and trust that you are well and know that should you need some further support that I am here. If you would like to address a particular topic or are feeling lonely and need someone to talk with I am here and my contact information is all on the web-site.

In all things may the Peace of Christ be with and remain with you this day. Your brother in Christ.

Rev. Scott

PS. While you are watching the video, if you click the icon as pictured below, it will play full screen. Enjoy!

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